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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

SKP PhotoTips - Get Down on Your Knees

One thing we adults tend to forget is that there is a completely different world below us.  For us the change has happened slowly, over the years and so we don't notice how things might look differently from a shorter perspective.

When done right, shooting down on children can produce fun pictures, but for the most part it's better to take photos of them at their level.  It gives you the feeling of seeing the world through their eyes, instead of through your own.

The same goes for animals: want to take a photo of Pookie or Fluffy?  Get down to their level, instead of taking shots of the top of their heads.  Just make sure Pookie doesn't put his wet nose on your camera lens! 

Change your approach to the subject - literally.  Most flowers are around our feet or knee level.  Have you thought about what they might look like side on?  Or looking from the ground up?

Sometimes it's the simplest thing that can make a great photo - and usually it's showing the viewer something they're not used to seeing.  You might get a little (or a lot!) dirty, but hey - it's worth it to get the shot, right?

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