Facebook: Southern Kiwi Photography | Twitter: SoKiwiPhoto | Google+: Kaylene Fister | LinkedIn: Kaylene Fister

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Free Facebook Timeline Photos

Are you someone who likes to change things up from time to time?  Then here's something for you!  I created a new album on our Facebook page called "Free Timeline Images".  From time to time I'll upload photos to it that are nicely sized for Facebook.  Feel free to use images from this album for your Timeline photo.

Here's the first one in the album; I took it yesterday evening during the Transit of Venus.  Click on the Facebook button under Social Media at the top right of this blog to visit our Facebook page and see the album.  While you're there - like us!

Did you take a photo of the Transit of Venus?  Put a link to it in the comments or share it with me on our Facebook page.  It's something to brag about!  None of us alive today will be around to see the next occurrence - it's not until 2117.

A nod to The Police for the quote!

For those of you who are curious, the EXIF data is: ISO 100, 300mm, f/32, 1/8000 with an ND 2.4 Filter.  Note that even with the ND Filter attached, I still took care not to look directly at the sun through the viewfinder.  I like my eyes.

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