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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Survey - Should It Stay or Should It Go Now...?

The cold snap we had last week made me think about last winter's snowfall.  A good deal of Georgia either freaked out or rejoiced, depending on how much milk and bread you had or if it was a school day.  You Northerners can stop snickering now.  Okay stop.  Pretty please?

My husband and I had plenty of food in the pantry and although we ran out of milk, we did have some not-so-awful-tasting powdered milk that worked well with copious amounts of hot chocolate mix.  In fact, we didn't leave the house for three days and then it was only to sight-see at the mayhem and buy ice cream from the supermarket.  Go figure.

Anyhow, back to my point.  I took a series of photos of the snow, including this one below.  My question for you is: what do you think of the photo?  Is it worthy of being added to my website gallery or should it hit the circular file?  Have a look at the photo and then answer the survey.  All votes are anonymous but feel free to leave feedback in the comments section below. 

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