Facebook: Southern Kiwi Photography | Twitter: SoKiwiPhoto | Google+: Kaylene Fister | LinkedIn: Kaylene Fister

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Summer in Georgia | Cumming GA Family Photographer

"And now for something completely different".  Well, it's not really, but it is a break from the 2014 Dog Calendar campaign!

Georgia summers are a dodgy time of year for photographers; the weather changes at the blink of an eye.  But thunderstorms mean you have puddles to play in, which is great for kids - including us big kids!

During this particular shoot, fortune was smiling on us and the rain held off for the entire shoot.  We were lucky enough to have an overcast evening which turned the sky into a lovely, big softbox, meaning no harsh shadows from sunlight.

There's only so long that Hotlanta can go without rain during summer, though, and as we were heading back to our cars the skies opened and we were pelted!

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