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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"No Such Thing as Professional Photographers"

“There’s no such thing as Flickr Pro today because [with so many people taking photographs] there’s really no such thing as professional photographers anymore.”

With this statement made during Monday's press conference, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer landed herself in hot water, among professional photographers at least.  And word travels quickly in the photography community, especially when it leaves folks shaking their heads in disbelief.

I don't have a Flickr account but there are a lot of people who do.  A LOT.  Some of them are amateur photographers and some are professional.  But unfortunately for Mayer, pretty much all of them are up in arms about Monday's changes to the website.  Have a look at the Flickr Help Forum discussing the changes - it's rather entertaining.  Note that a few folks are a little more, shall we say: colourful with their language - reader beware.

As for the "no such thing as professional photographers" comment, well-known photographer Scott Bourne has challenged Mayer to join him for a podcast on his website to discuss her statement.  He'll even donate $1000 to a charity of her choice if she does.

Meanwhile, professional photographers will carry on with our business licenses and sales tax payments, with continuing education to improve our style and techniques, and with finding the best print labs for our clients' memories.  And close our drop-jawed mouths.

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