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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Festival Photos

Saturday's Family Fun Fall Festival was a load of fun! The day dawned overcast and cool, which was great for those of us setting up booths. The sun made an appearance around noon and heated things up nicely. Unfortunately I didn't get to see many of the other booths, but I heard a lot of good comments about the festival from folks coming through our booth.

Most of the vendors are set up and the first fun seekers start coming in, drawn by a friendly purple elephant and the smell of hamburgers.

This young man came in for a photo with his sister and cousin, to give as a gift to his dad.  Such a nice kid; he showed a generosity and maturity I'll never forget.

 This little guy is the teeniest goat I've ever seen.  He's not fully grown but the folks at the petting zoo told me he won't get much bigger.  He has the cutest little bleat to go along with his mini size.

The lone calf steadfastly ignored anyone and anything, including a camera lens poked down over the fence at him.

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