Facebook: Southern Kiwi Photography | Twitter: SoKiwiPhoto | Google+: Kaylene Fister | LinkedIn: Kaylene Fister

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Time for Family & Friends

Thanksgiving has come and gone here in the USA and Christmas is coming up soon all over the world.  The holiday season is a time when folks spend time with friends and family, reminiscing about past times, planning fun future activities and enjoying each others' company.

But there's allllllways someone who wants to take photos, right?  And don't we just hate it when we're in the middle of a nice meal and someone decides to snap a photo of us while we're attempting to stuff a forkful in our mouths...

Don't do it, folks!  No-one likes awkward photos of themselves plastered all over the various social media sites, no matter how funny it may seem at the time.  But don't put away that camera completely during this season of gatherings - one day we'll be grateful  for those photos.

Do catch people being themselves and enjoying the moment.  Photograph them around the table, laughing and talking with loved ones.  Use a shallow Depth of Field to cut out the background clutter.  Zoom lenses are great for capturing natural, candid moments, but don't abuse it!  Aim to make people look fantastic, not ugly.

Have a look on my website for a short story about a little girl who'd never seen herself in a photo before.  That's the sort of thing we can do as photographers.

Last year I wrote a post with tips for taking posed photos of large groups.  Try them out at your next party - and especially remember the part about not being grumpy!

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